
Open Science (OS) is the movement to make scientific research (including publications, data, physical samples, and software) and its dissemination accessible to all levels of an inquiring society, amateur or professional [Wikipedia].

A key component of the OS consists of the Open Access Repository (OAR), a digital platform that holds research output and provides free, immediate and permanent access to research results. In this specific case the OAR is built on top of the Invenio + Zenodo platforms. The first provides a solution for large scale digital repositories, while the second offers a GUI environment for Invenio. The Zenodo based OAR platorm used for PALMS is hosted at the INFN Division of Catania which provides procedures and tools to make the Zenodo+Invenio platform easily installable and customisable.

PALMS is a micro-simulation that predicts the lifelong physical activity behaviour of a population taking into account individual characteristics and their effect on physical activity over time. The model produces individual and aggregated quantitative outputs for quality of life and health conditions related costs. This work has been published in the Catania’ OAR where input and output datasets have been published together with the software and container images capable to reproduce the published outputs (reproducibility).

The Science Gateway application for PALMS in SSOD, is capable to recover inputs from a given output registered in the OAR and referenced by a registered Digital Object Identifier (DOI). The GUI accepts output DOIs and recovers automatically the corresponding inputs from OAR needed to reproduce the data. In a similar way, the GUI allows to upload alternative input datasets in order to produce new data (reusability). One of the big problem in OS is the misuse of published data and thanks to the introduction of the Science Gateway, it is possible to track people reusing and reproducing these data.


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